Words, acronyms & abbreviations used on the internet


! I've got a comment
$0.02 Throwing in your two cents' worth
1FTR One for the road
2 To (or) too
24/7 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week
2DAY Today
2L8 Too late
2MORO Tomorrow
2NITE Tonight
4 For
4ever Forever
4GV Forgive
4U For you
4YEO For your eyes only
? I've got a question (or) please explain
?4U Question for you


A-OLS Administrators on-line
A/S Age/sex?
A/S/L Age, sex, location
A/S/L/P Age, sex, location, picture?
AAK Asleep at keyboard
AAMOF As a matter of fact
AAMOI As a matter of interest
AAR At any rate
AAS Alive and smiling
ABC Already been chewed
ACRONYM Abbreviated Coded Rendition of
Name Yielding Meaning
ADDY Address
ADN Any day now
AEAP As early as possible
AFAIAA As far as I am aware
AFAIC As far as I'm concerned
AFAICS As far as I can see
AFAICT As far as I can tell
AFAIK As far as I know
AFAIR As far as I remember
AFAIUI As far as I understand it
AFC Away From Computer
AFJ April fools joke
AFK Away from keyboard
AFN That's all for now
AFU All f**ked up
AFZ Acronym free zone
AIAMU And I'm a monkey's uncle
AIR As I remember; as I recall
AISB As I said before
AISB As it should be
AISI As I see it
AIUI As I understand It
AIW As it was
AKA Also known as
AMAP As much (or) many as possible
AMBW All my best wishes
AML All my love
AMOF As a matter of fact
ANB Age no bar
AND Any day now
ANFAWFOS And now for a word from our sponsor
ANFSCD And now for something completely different
AOAS All of a sudden
AOB Abuse of bandwidth
AOTA All of the above
AP Apple pie
APAC All praise and credit
APYR As per your request
AS Another subject
ASAFP As soon as "friggin" possible
ASAP As soon as possible
ASCII American Standard Code
for Information Interchange
ASL Age, sex, location
AT At your terminal
ATB All the best
ATLA Another three letter acronym
ATM At the moment
ATSL Along the same line
ATTN Attention
ATTYOB Anything that turns you on baby
AV Avatar - picture used in chat room that
represents a person in the chat room
AWCIGO And where can I get one
AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again?
AWHAFY Are we having any fun yet?
AYOR At your own risk
AYSOS Are you stupid or something
AYST Are you still there
AYT Are you there?


B Back (or) be
B/C Because
B/F Boyfriend
B3 Blah, blah, blah
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
B@THPICS4 Be at the pictures for (insert time)
BAC Back at computer
BAC By any chance
BAD Broken as designed
BAK Back at keyboard
BAMF Bad a*sed mother f**ker
BANANA Built absolutely nothing anywhere near anybody
BAU Business as usual
BB Be back
BBB Bye bye baby
BBFBBM Body by Fisher, Brains by Mattel
BBFN Bye bye for now
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBIAF Be back in a few
BBL Be back later
BBN Bye bye now
BBR Burnt beyond repair
BBS Be back soon (or) bulletin board system
BBSOL Be back sooner or later
BBW Big beautiful woman
BC Because (or) be cool (or) basket case
BCBS Big company, big school
BCC Blind carbon copy
BCNU Be seeing you
BCNUL8R Be see'n you later
BD Big deal
BDC Big dumb company or big dot com
BDN Big damn number
BEG Big evil grin
BF Boy friend
BFD Big f**king deal
BFG Big friendly giant; big f**king gun;
big f**king grin
BFH Big f**king hammer
BFI Brute force and ignorance; bunch
of f**king idiots
BFM Big f**king magic
BFMI Brute force and massive ignorance
BFN Bye for now
BFO Blinding flash of the obvious
BFOG Blouse full of goodies
BFS Big f**king screwdriver
big grin
BG Big grin
BHL8 Be home late
BHOF Bald headed old f*rt
BIC Best in class
BICBW But I could be wrong
BIF Before I forget
BIL Brother-in-law (or) boss is listening
BIN Buy it now
BION Believe it or not
BIOYIOP Blow it out your i/o port
BISS Because I say so
BITD Back in the day
BITD Beaten it to death
BITGOD Back in the good old days
BITMT But in the meantime
BK Because
BKA Better known as
BKAM Between keyboard and monitor
(problem is the user)
BM Byte me
BMA Bite my a*s
BMF Bad m*ther f**ker
BMOC Big man on campus
BMOTA Byte me on the a*s
BMTIPG Brilliant minds think in parallel gutters
BNF Big name fan
BO Buffer (or) brain overload
BOC But of course
BOF Birds of a feather
BOFH Bastard (system) operator from hell
BOGOF Buy one get one free
BOHICA Bend over here it comes again
BOL Best of luck
BOS Big orange switch
BOT Robot (or) back on topic
BOTE Back of the envelope
BOTEC Back of the envelope calculation
BR Bathroom
BR Best regards
BRB Be right back
BRBCTA2S Be right back, can't think of anything to say
BRH Be right here
BRS Big red switch
BRT Be right there
BS Bullsh*t (or) big smile
BSEG Big sh*t eating grin
BSG Broad sweeping generalization; big smiling grin
BSOD Blue screen of death (PC crash)
BT Byte this
BTA But then again
BTA But then again or before the attacks
BTAICBW But then again I could be wrong
BTAIM Be that as it may
BTDT Been there, done that
BTDTGTS Been there, done that, got the T-shirt
BTHOM Beats the h*ll outta me
BTLSOM Beats the living sh*t out of me
BTOBD Be there or be dead
BTSOOM Beats the sh*t out of me
BTTH Boot to the head
BTW By the way
BTWBO Be there with bells on
BUAF Butt ugly ASCII font
BUAG Butt ugly ASCII graphic
BWDIK But what do I know?
BWL Bursting with laughter
BWO Black, white or other
BWQ Buzz word quotient
BYAM Between you and me
BYKT But you know (or) knew that
BYKTA But you knew that already
BYOB Bring your own bottle
BYOH Bat you onna head
BYORL Bring your own rocket launcher


C See (or) cool
C & G Chuckle and grin
C/O In care of (for sending mail)
C/P Cross post
C/P/S City or country / profession
/ status (married/single)
C4N Ciao for now
CB Call back
CC Carbon copy; courtesy copy
CE Creative editing
CFD Call for discussion
CFM Confirm
CFV Call for voting
CHOWUR See how you are
CHUR See how you are
CIAO Ciao (pronounced "chow")
Hello or Goodbye in Italian
CIBM Could it be magic?
CID Consider it done (or) crying in disgrace
CIO Cut it out
CIS Compuserve information service
CLAB Crying like a baby
CLI Command line interface
CM Call me
CMF Count my fingers
CMH Cross my heart
CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong
CMON Come on
CNP Continued in next post
CO Conference (or) company
COB Close of business
COD Cash on delivery
CP Chat post (or) copy protection
CPF Can pigs fly?
CPP C++ or C+ programing language
CRAFT Can't remember a f**king thing
CRAP Cheap redundant assorted products
CRAWS Can't remember anything worth a sh*t
CRPG Character (or computer) Role Playing Game
CRS Can't remember sh*t
CS Cop shop (police station)
CSG Chuckle, snicker, grin
CSL Can't stop laughing
CTC Choking the chicken
CTRN Can't talk right now
CTS Consider the source
CTTD Cute things they do
CTTS Cute things they say
CU See you
CU2 See you, too
CU8R Catch you later
CU@ See you at
CUA See you around (or) commonly used
acronyms (or)common user access
CUCME See you see me (video conference)
CUD Could
CUL See you later (or) catch you later
CUL8R See you later
CULA See you later, alligator
CUS See you soon
CW2CU Can't wait to see you
CWOT Complete waste of time
CWYL Chat with you later
CY Calm yourself
CYA See ya
CYA See ya (or) cover your a*s.
CYA See you (or) cover your a*s
CYAL8R See you all later.
CYL See you later
CYO See you online


D&C Duck and cover
d/c Disconnects
D/L Download
d/l Download
D8 Date
DAF Divorced Asian female
DAM Divorced Asian male
DAMIFINO D*mn if I know
DAP Parents against dyslexia
DARFC Ducking and running for cover
DBA Doing business as
DBEYR Don't believe everything you read
DBF Divorced black female
DBM Divorced black male
DBN Doing business, not
DD Due diligence (or) Darling daughter
DDD Direct distance dial
DDSOS Different day, same old sh*t
DEGT Don't even go there
DETI Don't even think it
DETLA Double extended three letter abbreviation
DEU Dumb end user
DFL Dead f**king last
DFU Don't forget units
DGT Don't go there
DH Dear hubby; dumb hubby; deaf hubby; d*ckhead
DHTB Don't have the bandwidth
DHYB Don't hold your breath
DIIK D*mn if I know
DIIN D*mned if I know
DIKU? Do I know you?
DIL Daughter in law
DILLIGAD Do I look like I give a d*mn?
DILLIGAF Does it look like I give a f**k
DILLIGAFF Do I look like I give a flying f**k?
DILLIGAS Do I look like I give a sh*t
DINK Double income, no kids
DINKY Double income, no kids yet
DIS Did I say
DIY Do it yourself
DJF Divorced Jewish female
DJM Divorced Jewish male
DK Don't know
DKDC Don't know don't care
DKU Drop kick ugly
DL Download
DLG Devilish little grin
DLTBBB Don't let the bed bugs bite
DLTM Don't lie to me
DNA Did not answer
DNPM Darn near p*ssed myself
DNR Dinner
DOA Dead on arrival
DOB Date/day of birth
DOM Dirty old man
DOTGOV Government site
(from the .gov domain names)
DOY Dumbass of the year
DQMOT Don't quote me on this
DQYDJ Don't quit your day job
DRA Don't recognize acronyms
DRIB Don't read if busy
DS Darling son
DSTR8 D*mn straight
DTA Don't trust anybody
DTD Document type definition
DTOKAB Drop to one knee and blow
DTP Desktop publishing
DTRT Do the right thing
DTS Don't think so
DU Don't understand
DUCT Did you see that?
DUCWIC Do you see what I see
DUK Dead upon keyboard
DWF Divorced white female
DWIM Do what I mean
DWIMC Do what I mean, correctly
DWIMNWIS Do what I mean, not what I say
DWKOTA Deep wet kiss on the a*s
DWKOTL Deep wet kiss on the lips
DWL Dying With Laughter
DWM Divorced white male
DWYM Does what you mean
DYE D*mn your eyes!
DYHWIH Do you hear what I hear
DYJHIW Don't you just hate it when...
DYK Did you know
DYSTSOTT Did you see the size of that thing
DYSWIS Do you see what I see


E-OK Electronically OK
E2EG Ear to ear grin
EAK Eating at keyboard
EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair
ED Emotionally disturbed (or) Erectile dysfunction
EDP Emotionally disturbed person
Evil grin
EG Evil grin
EGC Extrememly gruntled customer
EIF Exercise in futility
EM E-mail
EMA E-mail address
EMFBI Excuse me for butting in
EMFJI Excuse me for jumping in
EMRU Error message replace user
EMS E-mail shorthand
EMSG E-mail message
EMTA Evil minds think alike
EOB End of business
EOD End of discussion
EOD End of discussion (or) end of day
EOE Equal opportunity employer (or) employment
EOF End of file
E-OK Electronically OK
EOL End of lecture
EOM End of message
EOT End of thread (or) transmission (don't
reply to this message)
ERU Error replace user
ES&D Eat sh*t and die
ES<HI Eat sh*t and live to hate it
ESAD Eat sh*t and die
ESAL Eat sh*t and live
ESBAM Eat sh*t, bark at moon
ESO Equipment smarter than operator
ESOSL Endless snorts of stupid laughter
ESP Especially (usually just "esp.")
ETA Estimated time of arrival
ETD Estimated time of departure
ETE Estimated time en route
ETLA Extended three letter acronym
EWI E-mailing while intoxicated
EZ Easy


F Female
F2F Face to face
F2T Free to talk
FA F**k all
FAB Features attributes benefits
FAI Frequently argued issue
FAIK As far as I know
FAQ Frequently asked Question(s)
FBKS Failure between keyboard and seat
FBOW For better or worse
FC Fingers crossed
FCFS First come, first served
FCOL For crying out loud!
FDROTFL Falling down rolling on the floor laughing
FE Fatal error
FF&PN Fresh fields and pastures new
FFRD Flying f**k in a rolling donut
FFS For f**ks sake
FHFHFH F**k him, feed him fishheads
FHOF Freeware hall of fame
FICCL Frankly, I couldn't care less
FIGJAM F**k i'm good, just ask me
FIGMO F**k it, got my orders
FIIK F**k if I know
FIIN F**ked if I know!
FIIOH Forget it, I'm outta here
FIL Father-in-law
FIOFYF Figure it out for yourself, f**ker
FISH First in, still here
FISHDO F**k it, sh*t happens, drive on
FITB Fill in the blank
FLA Four letter acronym
FLK Funny looking kid
FMTYEWTK Far more than you ever want to know
FNI F**king not involved
FO F**k off
FOAD F**k off and die
FOAF Friend of a friend
FOAFOAG Father of a friend of a girlfriend
FOAG Father of a girlfriend
FOB Fresh off the boat
FOCL Falling off the chair laughing
FOCLMAO Fell off chair laughin my a*s off
FOD Finger of death
FOF Friend of a friend
FOFL Fall on the floor laughing
FOMCL Fell off my chair laughing
FOOBAR Same as fubar
FOOMCL Fell out of my chair laughing
FOR For obvious reasons
FOS Freedom of speech; full of sh*t
FOT Full of tripe
FOTCL Falling off the chair laughing
FotR Fellowship of The Rings (a Tolkien book)
FRE Frequently requested enhancement
FRED F**king ridiculous electronic device
FRT For real though
FRZ Fruitin' religious zealot
FS For sale
FTASB Faster than a speeding bullet
FTDS F**k the/this dumb sh*t
FTF Face-to-face
FTL Faster than light
FTP File transfer protocol
FTR For the record
FTS Fixin' to Start (or) F**k this sh*t
FTTB For the time being
FTTT From time to time
FTW F**k the world
FU F**k you
FUBAB F**ked up beyond all belief
FUBAR F**ked up (or) fouled up beyond all repair
FUBB Fouled up beyond belief
FUD Fear, uncertainty, and doubt or disinformation
FUMTU F**ked up more than usual
FURTB Full up ready to burst
FURTB Full up ready to burst (about hard drives)
FWIW For what it's worth
FWMAYOR F**k with me at your own risk
FY&TSYRIO F**k you & the sysop you rode in on
FYA For your action (or) amusement
FYA&E For your amusement and edification
FYDITM F**k you directly in the mouth
FYEO For your eyes/ears only
FYI For your Information
FYIFV F**k you I'm fully vested
FYIV F**k you, I'm vested
FYKI For your kind information
FYM For your misinformation
FYYSOS F**k you, you sack of sh*t


G Grin
G/F Girl friend
G2G Got to go
G2R Got to run
GA Go ahead
GAC Get a clue
GAFIA Get away from it all
GAFM Get away from me
GAL Get a life
GALGAL Give a little, get a little
GAS Greetings and salutations
GB Goodbye
GBH Great big hug
GBH&K Great big hug and kiss
GBH&KB Great big hugs and kisses back
GBTW Get back to work
GBY God bless you
GC Garbage collect (tidy up)
GD&ARF Grinning, ducking and running fast!
GD&ARVVF Grinning, ducking and running very very fast!
GD&AW Grinning, ducking and weaving
GD&H Grinning, ducking & hiding
GD&R Grinning, ducking and running
GD&RF Grinning, ducking and running fast
GD&RVVF Grinning, ducking and running very very fast!
GD&W Grinning, ducking and weaving
GD&WVF Grinning, ducking, and weaving very fast
GDW Grin, duck and weave
GF Girl friend
GFC Going for coffee
GFETE Grinning from ear to ear
GFI Go for it
GFN Gone for now
GFR Grim file reaper
GFU General f**k up
GFY Go f**k yourself
GG Gotta go (or) good game (or) good going
GGC Goo goo cluster
GGG Giggle (as in )
GGN Gotta go now
GGOH Gotta get out of here
GGP Gotta go pee
GH Getting hard (male)
GIAR Give it a rest
GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that
GJ Good job
GKW God knows what
GL Good luck
GL/HF Good luck, have fun
GLG Goofy little grin
GLGH Good luck and good hunting
GLLA Great lovers love alike
GLYASDI God loves you and so do I
GM Good morning (or) Good move match
(or) Got milk?
GMBO Giggling my butt off
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GMTA Great minds think alike
GMV Got my vote
GN Good night
GNBLFY Got nothing but love for you
GOK God only knows
GOL Giggling out loud
GOOML Get out of my life
GOTFIA Groaning on the floor in agony
GOWI Get on with it
GPF General protection fault (or) go puke, fast!
GR Gotta run
GR&D Grinning running & ducking
GR8 Great
GRAD Grinning running & ducking
GRMBL Grumble
GRRRR Growling
GRUIT Get real you impudent thing
GSHIWMP Giggling so hard I wet my pants
GSOAS Go sit on a snake
GTABO Get that a*s back on (in reply to ROFLMAO)
GTBOS Glad to be of service
GTFOOMF Get the f**k out of my face
GTG Got to go
GTGB Got to go, bye
GTGP Got to go pee
GTH Go to h*ll
GTP Got to pee
GTRM Going to read mail
GTSY Great to see you
GUI Graphical user interface
GW Getting wet (female)
GWATCDR God willing and the creek don't rise
GYPO Get your pants off


{{{hug}}} Give someone a hug
H&K Hug and kiss
H&K Hugs and kisses
H2 How to
HAB Hot Asian babe
HABU Have a better 'un
HAG1 Have a good one
HAGD Have a great day
HAGN Have a good night
HAGO Have a good one
HAK Hugs and kisses
HAND Have a nice day
HB Hug back
HCB Holy cow, Batman!
HD Hold
HF Have fun
HGAC Hasn't (or) haven't got a clue
HH Holding hands
HHGTTG Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy
HHIS Hanging head in shame.
HHO1/2K Ha ha, only half kidding
HHOJ Ha ha, only joking
HHOK Ha ha, only kidding
HHOS Ha Ha, only serious
HHTYAY Happy holidays to you and yours.
HIB_ Have I been... ?
HIG How's it going?
HIOOC Help! I'm out of coffee
HIRTA Herein after referred to as
HIWTH Hate it when that happens
HLV Hasta la vista
HLVB Hasta la vista, baby
HMFIC Head m*ther f**ker in charge
HMFWRIC Head m*ther f**ker what are in charge
HNG Horny net geek
HOAS Hold on a second
HOHA Hollywood hacker
HOYEW Hanging on your every word
HP Home page
HRT2HRT Heart to heart
HRU How are you?
HSIK How should I know?
HSP Highly sensitive person
HTB Heavens to betsy
HTFSIK How the f**k should I know
HTH Hope this helps
HTML Hyper text markup language
HUA Head up a*s
HUF Horny unattached female
{{{hug}}} Give someone a hug
HUM Horny unattached male
HUYA Head up your a*s
HV Have
HW Hardware
HWS(PEST) Husband wants sex (please excuse
slow typing)
HWUA Head way up a*s


IAAA I am an accountant
IAAL I am a lawyer
IAC In any case
IAE In any event
IAGW In a good way
IAITS It's all in the subject
IAM In a meeting
IANAA I am not an accountant
IANAC I am not a crook
IANAD I am not a doctor
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IANALBIPOOTV I am not a lawyer, but I play one on tv
IANYM In a new york minute
IAO I am outtahere
IARTPFWTSIOWIM I am repeating this parrot-fashion with-
out the slightest idea of what I mean
IASH I am so horny
IAT I am tired
IAW In accordance with
IAWTP I agree with this post
IB I'm back
IBB I'll be back
IBC Inadequate, but cute
IBCNU I'll be seeing your
IBK Idiot behind keyboard
IBN I'm buck naked
IBT In between technology
IBTD I beg to differ
IC I see (or) In character
ICBI I can't believe it
ICBW I could be wrong (or) It could be worse
ICFBI I can't f**king believe it!
ICIHICPCL I can't imagine how I could
possibly care less
ICTYBTIHTKY I could tell you but
then I'd have to kill you
ICUR I see you are
ID10T Idiot
IDBI I don't believe it
IDC I don't care
IDD Indeed
IDGAD I don't give a damn
IDGAF I don't give a f**k
IDGAS I don't give a sh*t
IDGI I don't get it
IDK I don't know
IDKY I don't know you
IDN I don't know
IDST I didn't say that
IDTS I don't think so
IDTT I'll drink to that
IE That is (normally i.e.)
IEF It's esther's fault
IFAB I found a bug
IFU I f**ked up
IG2R I got to run
IGGP I gotta go pee
IGP I gotta pee
IGTP I get the point
IHA I hate acronyms
IHATCFYB I have a terrible craving for your body!
IHMB I hate my boss
IHNJ,IJLS I have no joke, I just like saying...
IHTBS It has to be shown
IHTFP I hate this f**king place
(or) I have truly found paradise
IIABDFI If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
IIIO Intel inside, idiot outside
IIMAD If it makes any difference
IINM If I'm not mistaken
IIR If I recall
IIRC If I remember correctly
IITYWIMIWHTKY If I tell you what it means, I
will have to kill you
IITYWIMWYBMAD If I tell you what it means,
will you buy me a drink?
IITYWTMWYKM If I tell you what this means
will you kiss me?
IITYWYBAD If I tell you, will you buy another drink?
IITYWYBMAB If I tell you, will you buy me a beer?
IIUC If I understand correctly
IIWM If it were me
IJLS I just like saying
IJWTK I just want to know
IJWTS I just want to say
IK I know
IKWUM I know what you mean
IKYABWAI I know you are, but what am I?
ILBL8 I'll be late
ILF I'll look forward
ILICISCOMK I laughed, I cried, I spilled coffee on
my keyboard
ILIWTPCT I love it when the plan comes together.
ILN It looks nice
ILSHIBAMF I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture!
ILU I love you
ILY I love you
ILYVM I love you very much
IM Instant message
IMA I might add
IMAO In my arrogant opinion
IMBO In my biased opinion
IMCDO In my conceited dogmatic opinion
IMCO In my considered opinion
IME In my experience
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMMOR I make my own rules
IMMSMC If my memory serves me correctly
IMNERHO In my not even remotely humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMNSVHO In my not so very humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IMOBO In my own biased opinion
IMPE In my previous/personal experience
IMPOV In my point of view
IMS I must say
IMU I miss you
IMVHO In my very humble opinion
INAL I'm not a lawyer
INGSI I'm not gonna say it
INMP It's not my problem
INPO In no particular order
INT I'll never tell
IOH I'm out of here
IOTTMCO Intuitively obvious to the
most casual observer
IOU I owe you
IOW In other words
IRC Internet relay chat
IRL In real life
IRMC I rest my case
IROOC I've run out of cigarettes
IRSTBO It really s*cks the big one
IS I'm sorry
ISAGN I see a great need
ISDN It still does nothing
ISO In search of; International Organization
for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
ISS I'm so sure
ISTM It seems to me
ISTR I seem to recall
ISWYM I see what you mean
ITAH Is there anybody here
ITFA In the final analysis
ITM In the money
ITRW In the real world
ITSFWI If the shoe fits wear it
ITYM I think you mean
IUSS If you say so
IUTHALORFH I used to have a lot of respect for him/her
IUTKATS I used to know all that stuff
IWALU I will always love you
IWALY I will always love you
IWBNI It would be nice if
IWIK I wish I knew
IWSN I want sex now
IYFEG Insert your favorite ethnic group
IYKWIM If you know what I mean
IYKWIMAITYD If you know what I mean and I think you do
IYO In your opinion
IYSS If you say so
IYSWIM If you see what I mean
IYW If you wish


J/C Just checking
J/K Just kidding
J/W Just wondering
JAC Just a sec
JAFO Just another f**king onlooker
JAM Just a minute
JAS Just a second
JASE Just another system error
JFI Just for information
JIC Just in case
JIK Just in case
JJ Just joking
JJA Just joking around
JK Just kidding
JMHO Just my humble opinion
JMO Just my opinion
JOOTT Just one of those things
JP Just playing
JSNM Just stark naked magic
JTLUK Just to let you know
JTLYK Just to let you know
JTYWTK Just thought you wanted to know
JVNP Just venting, nothing personal
JW Just wondering
JYYC Just yanking your chain


K Okay, alright
KB Kiss back
KCBIWIYWI Keep coming back, it works if you work it
KDW Keep digging, Watson (response to NSS)
KFY Kiss for you
KHYF Know how you feel
KIBO Knowledge in, bullsh*t out
KIBO Knowledge in, bullsh*t out
KISS Keep it simple, stupid
KIT Keep in touch
KITA Kick in the a*s (type of therapy)
KK Okay, Okay
KMA Kiss my a*s
KMB Kiss my butt
KMRIA Kiss my royal Irish arse
KMYF Kiss me you fool
KOC Kiss on the cheek
KOL Kiss on the lips
Kool-Aid Drinker I'm including this definition, even
though this phrase is not an acronym, because
I got an email from someone asking me
what is a Kool-Aid drinker. As best as I can
determine, it is a person who has been totally
deceived by someone or something; or who blindly
and without question adheres to the beliefs of,
or follows, some person, dogma, political idea,
etc. I notice that this term often seems to appear
on forums... and especially on political forums.
The origin of this term, if I understand it correctly,
derives from the 1978 Jonestown, Guyana, mass suicide,
where Jim Jones instructed his followers to
commit suicide by drinking a Kool-Aid type drink
(it was not really Kool-Aid, but Flavor-Aid) laced
with cyanide. Most of them did so, and as a result
over nine hundred people died.
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KOTL Kiss on the lips
KTCOOTN Keep this crap out of this newsgroup
KUTGW Keep up the good work
KWIM Know what I mean?
KYFC Keep your fingers crossed
KYHOOYA Keep your head out of your a*s
KYPO Keep your pants on


L Laughing
L8 Late
L8R Later
L8R G8R Later gator
L8TR Later
LAB&TYD Life's a bitch & then you die
LABATYD Life's a bitch and then you die
LAGNAF Let's all get naked and f**k
LALOTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LAMDILLIGAF Look at me, do I look like I give a f**k?
LAQ Lame a*s quote
LART Loser attitude readjustment tool
LBB Little black box (slang - web-tv set-box unit)
LD Long distance (or) later dude
LDR Long distance relationship
LDTTWA Let's do the time warp again
LG Lovely greetings
LHM Lord help me
LHU Lord help us
LI Laughing inside
LIFO Last in first out
LIS Laughing in silence (or) Lost in space
LJBF Let's just be friends
LL Lessons Learned (or) Love Life (or) Living Large
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMA Leave me alone
LMAO Laughing my a*s off
LMAOROTF Laughing my a*s off rolling on the floor
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LMC Lost my connection
LMCOA Lost my connection once again
LMFAO Laughing my f**king a*s off
LMHO Laughing my head off
LMK Let me know
LMKOAP Let me know of any problems
LMTFA Leave me the f**k alone
LMWIS Lick me where I sweat
LOA List of acronyms/abbreviations
LOHICA Look out, here it comes again
LOI Lack of interest
LOL Laughing out loud
LOLAROTG Laughing out loud and rolling on the ground
LOMBARD Lots of money but a real dickhead
LOOL Laughing outrageously outloud
LOPSOD Long on promises, short on delivery
LotR Lord of The Rings (a J.R.R.Tolkien book)
LRF Little rubber feet
LSFIAB Like shooting fish in a barrel
LSHHTCMS Laughed so hard had to change my shorts
LSHIPMP Laughing so hard I peed my pants
LSHMBB Laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
LSHMBH Laughing so hard my belly hurts
LSP Less sensitive person
LTBF Learn to be funny
LTHTT Laughing too hard to type
LTIC Laughing 'til I cry
LTIP Laughing til I puke
LTM Laughing to myself
LTMSH Laughing 'til my sides hurt
LTNC Long time, no see
LTNS Long time, no see
LTNT Long time, no type
LTR Long term relationship
LTS Laughing to self
LULAB Love you like a brother
LULAS Love you like a sister
LULU Locally unwanted land use
LUSER Loser user
LUV Love
LUWAMH Love you with all my heart
LY Love you
LYK Let you know
LYL Love you lots
LYLAB Love you like a brother
LYLAS Love you like a sister
LYVM Love you very much
LZ Loser!


M Male
M or F Male or female
M$ Microsoft
M8 Mate
MaB Maybe
MAY Mad about you
MAYB Mad about you, baby
MB Maybe
MBRSD Embarrassed
MBUC Mind bogglingly unlikely coincidence
MCIBTU My computer is better than yours
MCIBTY(SN) My computer is better than yours (so nyerr)
me 2 Me too
MEGO My eyes glaze over
MFD Multi-function device
MFG More friendly garbage
MFIC Mother f**ker in charge
MFWIC Mother f**ker what's in charge
MGD My gameboy died
MHBFY My heart bleeds for you
MHDC(A) My hard drive crashed (again)
MHOTY My hat's off to you
MIF Milk in first (for tea drinking)
MIL Mother in law
MIL Mother-in-law
MILF Mother I'd like to f**k
MILG Make it look good
MIPS Meaningless information per second
ML More later
MLA Multiple letter acronym
MM Market maker
MMIF My mouth is full
MOF Matter of fact
MOO Mud object-oriented
MOOF Modem offline
MOR Middle of the road
MorF Male or female
MOS Member of the opposite sex
MOSS Member of the same sex
MOTAS Member of the appropriate sex
MOTD Message of the day
MOTM Member of the month
MOTOS Member of the opposite sex
MOTSS Member of the same sex
MS More sh*t; more of the same; (or)
Masters Degree
MSCEA My southern comforts' empty again
MSG Message
MSS Member of the same sex
MTCW My two cents worth
MTFBWY May the force be with you
MUD Multi user domain (or dungeon)
MUF Material unaccounted for
MUG New user of a chat program
MUM Miss You Much
MUNG Mash until no good
MUSM Miss you so much
MWA A kiss
MWBRL More will be revealed later
MYM Miss You Much
MYOB Mind your own business


N/A Not applicable -or- not affiliated
N/T No text
n00b Newbie
n00b Newbie (the '00's are two zeros, not 'ohs')
N1 Nice one
N2M Not too much
NAGI Not a good idea
NAHM Not a happy man
NAHW Not a happy woman
NAK Nursing at keyboard
NAP Not a problem
NAVY Never again voluneer yourself.
NAZ Name, address, zip (or) NASDAQ
NB Nota bene (note well)
NBD No big deal
NBFD No big f**king deal
NBIF No basis in fact
NBL Not bl**dy likely
NBTD Nothing better to do
NC No comment
NCG New college graduate
NE Any
NE1 Anyone
NETHING Anything
NETUA Nobody ever tells us anything
NEWAY Anyway
NFG No f**king good
NFI No f**king idea
NFIAA No f**king idea at all
NFM No futher message
NFW No f**king way
NFY No f**k you
NG New game (or) New group
NHOH Never heard of him or her
NIAA No idea at all
NICBDAT Nothing is certain but death and taxes
NIDWTC No I don't want to chat
NIFOC Naked in front of the computer
NIFOK Naked in front of the keyboard
NIH Not invented here
NIM No internal message
NIMBY Not in my backyard
NIMFYE Not in my front yard either
NIMQ Not in my queue
NIMTO Not in my term of office
NINO Nothing in, nothing out
NIT Not in therapy
NLI Not logged in
NLT No later than
NM Never mind (or) nothing much
NMFJ Not my f**king job
NMH Not much here
NMI No middle initial
NMJC Nothing much, just chillin'
NMP Not my problem
NN Night-night
NO1 No one
NOPE Not on planet Earth
NORWICH Knickers off ready when I come home
NOYB None of your business
NP No problem
NPA Non-performing assets
NPF No problem found
NPLU Not people like us
NQA No questions asked
NQA No questions asked
NQOCD Not quite our class dear
NQOS Not quite our sort
NRG Energy
NRN No reply necessary (or) Not right now
NSS No sh*t, Sherlock
NT No thanks
NTA Non-Technical Acronym
NTG Not too good
NTH No therapy helpful
NTIBOA Not that I'm bitter or anything
NTIM Not that it matters
NTIMM Not that it matters much
NTL Nevertheless
NTW Not to worry
NTYMI Now that you mention it
NUI Network user identification
NW No way
NWCDP Nothing we could do partner
NYCFS New York City finger salute
NYCTMI Now you come to mention it
NYM New York minute
NYP Not your problem


O Over (to you)
OATUS On a totally unrelated subject
OAURS On an unrelated subject
OAUS On an unrelated subject
OB Obligatory
OBE Overtaken by events
OBO Or best offer
OBTW Oh by the way
OD Overdose; oh dear
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OF Old f*rt
OFO Out f**king off
OFS One finger salute
OI Operator indisposed
OIC Oh, I see
OJ Only joking
OL Old lady (wife)
OLL Online love
OM Oh my
OMDB Over my dead body
OMG Oh my God (or) goodness
OMIK Open mouth insert keyboard
OMIK Open mouth, insert keyboard
ONAW Oh no! another wedgie
ONL OnLine
ONNA Oh no not again
ONNTA Oh no, not this again
OO Over and out (end of communication)
OOC Out of character
OOH Out of here
OOI Out of interest
OOSOOM Out of sight, out of mind
OOTB Out of the box (brand new)
OOTC Obligatory on topic comment
OOTD One of these days
OPL Obvious panty line
OPM Other people's money
OPP Other people's problems
OS Operating system
OSIF Oh sh*t, I forgot!
OSIM Oh sh*t it's Monday
OSU Officially sanctioned user (or) Oh, shut up
OT Off topic (or) Other topic
OT1H On the one hand
OTB Off to bed
OTBE Over taken by events
OTC Over the counter
OTD Out the door
OTE Over the edge
OTF On the floor (or) On the phone
OTFL On the floor laughing
OTK Over the knee
OTL Out to lunch
OTOH On the other hand
OTOMH Off the top of my head
OTOOH On the other other hand
OTP On the phone
OTR Off the rack (or) Old time radio
OTT Over the top
OTTH On the third hand
OTTOMH Off the top of my head
OTTOMHAROO Off the top of my head and
rolling out of bounds
OTW On the way (or) On the whole
(or) Off to work
OW Oh well
OWTTE Or words to that effect
OZ Australia
OZZIE Australian


P911 My parents are in the room
PABG Pack a big gun
PABG Packing a big gun
PANS Pretty awesome new stuff
PBD Programmer brain damage
PBM Play by mail (games)
PCM Please call me
PCMCIA People can't memorize computer
industry acronyms
PCO Please carry on
PD Public domain
PDA Public display of affection
PDOA Public display of affection
PDOMA Pulled directly out of my a*s
PDQ Pretty darn quick
PDS Please don't shout
PDSTM Please don't shout the message
PEBCAK Problem exists between chair and keyboard
PEBKAC Problem exists between keyboard and chair
peeps People
PF&HOMW Printed, framed and hanging on my wall
PFM Pure f**king magic
PFY Pimply faced youth
PHAT Pretty hot and tempting
PHB Pointy haired boss (from Dilbert)
PhD Piled higher and deeper.
PHD Push here dummy (type of camera)
PIBKAC Problem is between keyboard and chair
PICNIC Problem in chair, not in computer
PIMP Peeing in my pants
PITA Pain in the a*s
PITBY Put it in their back yard
PJW Please just wait
PKB Pot, kettle, black!
PLBKAC Problem lies between keyboard and chair
PLMK Please let me know
PLMKO Please let me know, OK?
PLOKTA Press lots of keys to abort
PLONK Please leave our newsgroup, killfiled!
PLS Please
PLSE Please elaborate
PLZ Please
PM Private message
PMBI Pardon my butting in
PMETC Pardon me etc.
PMF Pardon my french (or) pure f**king magic.
PMFBI Pardon me for butting in
PMFI Pardon me for interrupting
PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
PMFJIB Pardon me for jumping in but
PMFJIH Pardon me for jumping in here.
PMINBOM Put mind in gear, before opening mouth
PMJI Pardon my jumping in
PMP Peed my pants
PMYMHMMFSWGAD Pardon me, you must have mistaken
me for someone who gives a d*mn
PMYMHMMFSWGAS Pardon me, you must have mistaken
me for someone who gives a sh*t
PNCAH Please no cursing allowed here
PO P*ss off
POAHF Put on a happy face
POC Prisoner of chat; peeping other chatters
POETS P*ss on everything, tomorrow's Saturday
POITS P*ss on it tomorrow's Saturday
POM Phase of the moon
POME Prisoner of Mother England
POOF Leaving the room - goodbye
POP Point of presence; post office protocol
POQ P*ss off quickly
POQADCB P*ss off quickly and don't come back!
POS Parent over shoulder
(or) point of sale (or) piece of sh*t
POSSLQ Person of opposite sex sharing living quarters
POTC Peck on the cheek
POTS Parents over the shoulder
(or) Plain old telephone service
POV Point of view
PPL People
PPN Programmer project number
(currently known as userid)
PPOSTFU Post proof or shut the f**k up
PPP Petty pet peeve
PPPP Previous paragraph was polemical position
PROLLY Probably
PS Post Script
PSY Please stop yelling
PT Physical training
PTB Powers that be
PTL Praise The Lord
PTM Please tell me
PTMM Please tell me more
PTO Patent and Trademark Office
(or) please turn over
PTUM Please tell us more
PU That stinks
PUNTS People of utterly no tactical significance
PW Pathetic wanker; powwow
PXT Please explain that
PYS Pack your stuff
QED Quod erat demonstrandum (proved)
(or) quite easily done
QIK Quick
QL Quit laughing
QSL Reply
QSO Conversation
QT Cutie (or) quiet


R Are
R&D Research & development
R&R Rest & relaxation
RA Research assistant; resident assistant
RAEBNC Read and enjoyed, but no comment
RAK Random act of kindness
RAOK Random act of kindess
RBAY Right back at ya
RBS Really big screen
RBTL Read between the lines
RE In regard to (or) hello again
REHI Hi again (re-Hi)
REMF Rear echelon m*ther f**kers
RFC Request for comments
RFD Request for discussion
RFR Really f**king rich
RFS Really f**king soon
RFT Request for thinking
RGDS Regards
RHIP Rank has its privileges
RINGL8 Running late
RKBA Right to keep and bear arms
RL Real life
RLCO Real life conference
RLF Real life friend
RM Ready made
RMA Return material (or merchandise) authorization
RME Rolling my eyes
RML Read my lips
RMLB Read my lips baby
RMMM Read my mail man!
RN Right now!
RNA Ring, no answer
ROF Rolling on the floor
ROFFNAR Rolling on the floor for no apparent reason
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLAHMSL Rolling on the floor laughing
and holding my sides laughing
ROFLAS Rolling on floor laughing and screaming
ROFLASC Rolling on the floor laughing
and scaring the cat
ROFLASTC Rolling on the floor laughing
and scaring the cat
ROFLGO Rolling on floor laughing guts out!
ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a*s off
ROFLMAOOL Rolling on the floor lauging
my a*s off out loud
ROFLOL Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROFLOLVH Rolling on the floor laughing
out loud very hard
ROFLUTS Rolling on the floor laughing
unable to speak
ROFLWMK Rolling on the floor
laughing... wet my knickers
ROFLWMP Rolling on the floor wetting my pants
ROFPML Roll on floor p*ssing myself laughing.
ROFTTPOF Rolling on the floor trying
to put out flames
ROTBA Reality on the blink again
ROTF Rolling on the floor
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLAHMS Rolling on the floor laughing
and holding my side
ROTFLAMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a*s off
ROTFLMAAOBPO Rolling on the floor laughing
my a*s and other body parts off
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a*s off
ROTFLMBO Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
ROTFLOL Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFLOLPMP Rolling on the floor laughing
out loud and pe*ing in my pants
ROTFLTIC Rolling on the floor laughing till I cry
RotK Return of The King (a Tolkien book)
ROTM Right on the money
RPG Role playing games
RRQ Return receipt request
RSN Real soon now
RSVP Please reply (respondez s'il vous plait)
RT Real time
RTBM Read the bl***y manual
RTBS Reason to be single
RTDox Read the documentation
RTF Read The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
RTFAQ Read the frequently asked questions
RTFF Read the f**king faq
RTFFAQ Read the f**king faq
RTFI Read the f**king instructions
RTFM Read the f**king manual (or) message
RTFMS Read the f**king manual, sir (military)
RTFQ Read the f**king question
RTFS Read the f**king source
RTI Real time interruption
RTK Return to keyboard
RTM Read the manual (or) message
RTS Read the screen
RTSM Read the stupid manual
RTWFQ Read the whole f**king question
RU Are you?
RU32NITE Are you free tonight?
RUCMNG Are you coming?
RUMF Are you male or female?
RUOK Are you OK?
RYFIM Read your f**king information manual
RYFM Read your friendly (or) f**king manual
RYS Read your screen


(sp?) Unsure of spelling
S Smiling (or) smile
S/O Someone (frequently just "s/o")
S/TH Something (frequently just "s/th")
S2BX Soon to be ex
S2R Send to receive
S4L Spam for life
SAF Single Asian female
SAHM Stay At Home Mom
SAM Single Asian male
SAMF Sad a*s mother f**ker
SAMFU Self-adjusting military f**k up
SAMFUTU Situation abnormal, more f**ked up than usual
SAPFU Surpassing all previous foul ups
SAR Smart a*s remark
SAYOR Speak at your own risk
SB Smiles back
SBB Stupid beyond belief
SBCN Sitting behind the computer, naked
SBD Silent but deadly
SBF Single Black female
SBID Sh*tty but it'll do
SBM Single Black male
SBT Strange but true
SBTA Sorry, being thick again
SCNR Sorry, could not resist
SDIHTT Someday I'll have the time
SE2E Smiling ear to ear
SEC Wait just a second
SED Said enough darling
SEG Sh*t eating grin
SEP Someone else's problem
SETE Smiling ear to ear
SF Surfer friendly
SFAIAA So far as I am aware
SFETE Smiling from ear to ear
SFLA Stupid four letter acronym
SFT Sorry for that
SGML Standardized General Markup Language
SH Same here
SH Sh*t happens
SHID Slaps head in disgust
SHLH Sitting here lauging hysterically
SHTS Spit hitting the spam
SHTSI Somebody had to say it
SICNR Sorry, I could not resist
SICS Sitting in chair snickering
SIG Special interest group
SIG2R Sorry, I've got to run
SIIN Sh*t if I know!
SIL Sister-in-law
SITCOMs Single income, two children,
oppressive mortgage
SITD Still in the dark
SJF Single Jewish female
SJM Single Jewish male
SLAP Sounds like a plan
SLIP Single line in protocol;
(or) serial line internet protocol
SLIRK Smart little rich kid
SLJ Sh*tty little job
SLJO Sh*tty little job officer
SLM See last mail
SMDP System monitoring display protocol
SMEF Serious massive existence failure
SMHID Scratching my head in disbelief
SMMWO Shut my mouth wide open
SMO Serious mode on
SMOFF Serious mode off
SMON Serious mode on
SMOP Small matter of programming
SMS Short message service
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SN Screen name (or) So nyah
SNAC Sitting naked at computer
SNAFU Situation normal, all fouled up
SNAG Sensitive new age guy
SNERT Snotty nosed egotistical rotten teenager
SNFIAA Still no f**king idea at all
SNR Signal to noise ratio
SO Significant other
SOB Son of a b*tch
SOH Sense of humor
SOHF Sense of humor failure
SOI Stink on ice
SOL Sh*t out of luck (or) sooner or later
SOMY Sick of me yet?
SOP Standard operating procedure
SorG Straight or gay?
SOS Help!, (or) "Same old sh*t"
SOSO Same old, same-old
SOTA State of the art
SOTMG Short of time, must go
SOVS Someone very special
SOW Speaking of which
(sp?) Unsure of spelling
SPK Speak
SPST Same place, same time
SRY Sorry
SSDD Same stuff, different day
SSIA Subject says it all
ST Star Trek (or) such that
(usually just "s.t.")
ST Super tired
STATS Age/gender/location check
STBY Sucks to be you
STFU Shut the f**k Up
STFW Surf (or) search the f**king web
STIFF "Stiff", said loudly.
STM Spank the monkey
STR8 Straight
STS So to speak
STW Surf the web (or) search the web
STYS Speak to you soon
SUCDIC Situation under control, d*ckheads in charge
SUFID Screwing up face in disgust
SUITM See you in the morning
SUL See you later
SUNOILTY Shut up, no one is listening to you
SUP What's up?
SUSFU Situation unchanged, still f**ked up
SUYF Shut up you fool
SUYP Shut up you pervert
SW Shareware (or) so what? (or) says who?
SWAG Scientific wild a*s guess
SWAG Stupid wild a*s guess
SWAK Sealed with a kiss
SWALK Sealed with a loving kiss
SWCOC Special wishes, comments, or corrections
SWDYRTW Since when do you rule the web?
SWDYT So what do you think?
SWF Single white female
SWHT Sweetheart
SWIM See what I mean?
SWL Screaming with laughter
SWM Single white male
SWMBO She who must be obeyed
SWWCFI So what, who cares, f**k it
SWYP So what's your problem?
SY Sincerely yours
SYL See you later
SYS See you soon (or) system
SysOP System operator
SYT Sweet young thing


T2G Time to go
TA Thanks again
TA Teaching assistant
TAF That's all, folks!
TAFL Take a flying leap
TAFN That's all for now
TAFT That's a frightening thought
TAH Take a hike
TAM Tomorrow a.m.
TAMO Then a miracle occurs
TANJ There ain't no justice
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TARFU Things are really fouled up
TBC To be continued
TBE To be expected
TBH To be honest
TBYB Try before you buy
TC Take care (or) telephone call
TCB Taking care of business
TCBY Taking care of business, ya'll
TCD The cat's dead
TCO Taken care of
TCS Take care sweetheart
TDD The dog's dead
TDM Too d*mn many
TDTM Talk dirty to me
TEOTWAWKI The end of the world as we know it
TFB Too f**king bad
TFE Too f**king easy
TFH Thread from h*ll
TFM The f**king manual
TFN Thanks for nothing
TFS (ctl-alt-del)-three finger salute
TFTHAOT Thanks for the help ahead of time
TFTT Thanks for the thought (or) tip
TFW Totally f**king worthless
TGAL Think globally, act locally
TGAL Think globally, act locally
TGIF Thank God it's Friday
TGTF Thank God tomorrow's Friday
THHGTTG The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy
THNQ Thank you
THO Titty hard on
THX Thanks
TIA Thanks in advance
TIAD Tomorrow is another day
TIAIL Think I am in love
TIC Tongue in cheek
TID Thread is deteriorating (Off Topic)
TIE Take it easy
TIME Tears in my eyes (often in combination)
TIMTOWTDI There is more than one way to do it
TINALO That is not a legal opinion
TINAR This is not a recommendation
TINJ There is no justice
TINSTAAFL There is no such thing as a free lunch
TINWIS That is not what I said
TIP To insure promptness
TIWTGLGG This is where the goofy little grin goes
TJATAW Truth, justice, and the American way
TKS Thanks
TLA Three letter acronym
TLC Tender loving care
TLG The living God
TLGO The list goes on
TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
TM Text message
TM Thread mangler
TMA Take my advice (or) Too many acronyms
TMFA Too many f**king acronyms
TMI Too much information
TMIKTLIU The more I know, the less I understand
TMK To my knowledge
TMTC Too many to count
TMTOWTDI There's more than one way to do it
TMWFI Take my word for it
TN Telnet
TNOTVS There's nothing on television, so ...
TNSO Temptingly naked significant other
TNSTAAFL There's no such thing as a free lunch
TNT Till next time
TNTL Trying not to laugh
TNX Thanks
TNX Thanks (thanx)
TNX 1.0E6 Thanks a million
TOBAL There oughta be a law.
TOBG This oughta be good
TOJ Tears of joy
TOS Terms of service
TOTC Too old to care
TOY Thinking of you
TPAE The possibilities are endless
TPC The phone company
TPM Tomorrow p.m.
TPS(S) This program sucks (severely)
TPTB The powers that be
TQM Total quality management
TRDMC Tears running down my cheeks.
TRDMTL Tears running down my trouser legs
TS Tough sh*t
TSFY Tough sh*t for you
TSOHF Total sense of humour failure
TSR Totally stupid rules (or)
Terminate and stay resident (program)
TSWC Tell someone who cares
TT Ta ta (or) take that
TT The Two Towers (a Tolkien Book)
TT4N Ta-ta for now
TTBE That's to be expected
TTBOMK To the best of my knowledge
TTFN Ta-ta for now
TTKSF Trying to keep a straight face
TTL4N That's the lot for now
TTM To the moderator
TTMNR Take the money and run
TTS Tiny tit syndrome
TTT That's the truth (or) That's the ticket
TTTT These things take time
TTUL Talk to you later
TTUT Talk to you tomorrow.
TTWIG That's the way it goes
TTYL Talk to you later
TTYL8R Talk to you later
TTYRS Talk to you real soon
TTYS Talk to you soon
TU Thank you
TUC The Ultimate Chatlist!
TUFD The user file died
TWAIN Technology without an interesting name
TWHAB This won't hurt a bit
TWIMC To whom it may concern
TWIU That's what I understand
TWYAS That's what you all say
TWYT That's what you think
TX Thanks
TY Thank you
TYCLO Turn your caps lock off (and stop shouting)
TYLE Took you long enough
TYT Take your time
TYVL,YWEL Thank you very little, You're welcome even less
TYVM Thank you very much


U You
U-OK Are you OK?
u/l Upload
UAE Unrecoverable application error
UAE Unrecoverable application error
UBD User brain damage
UCE Unsolicited commerical e-mail
UDS Ugly domestic scene
UFO Unidentified Flying (or) Falling Object
UGTBK You've got to be kidding
UKTR You know that's right
UL Upload
UNA Use no acronyms
unPC Unpolitically correct
U-OK Are you OK?
UR You are (or) your
URW You are welcome
URYY4M You are too wise for me
US You suck
USU Usually
UTC Under the counter;
(or) coordinated universal time
UTT Under the table
UV Unpleasant visual
UW You are welcome
UY Up yours


very big grin
VBEG Very big evil grin (usually )
VBG Very big grin
VBG Very big grin (usually )
VBSEG Very big sh*t eating grin
VC Venture capital
VEG Very evil grin
VES Very evil smile
VETLA Very enhanced TLA
VFM Value for money
VH Virtual hug
VM Voice mail
VPL Visible panty line
VR Virtual reality
VRBS Virtual reality bull sh*t
VT Virtual time
VWG Very wicked grin
VWS Very wicked smile


W/ With (usually just "w/")
W/O Without (usually just "w/o")
W8 Wait
W84M Wait for me
W8AM Wait a minute
W8ING Waiting
WAB? What, another bill?
WADR With all due respect
WAEF When all else fails
WAFWOT What a f**king waste of time
WAG Wild a*s guess
WAHM Work at home Mom
WAI What an idiot
WALOC What a load of cr*p
WAM Wait a minute
WAMBAM Web application meets brick and mortar
WAN2 Want to
WAN2TLK Want to talk
WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WATRUDOINLTR What are you doing later?
WAYF Where are you from?
WB Welcome back
WC Welcome
WCA Who cares anyway
WCAGA What comes around, goes around
WCTYBTWHTKY We could tell you,
but then we'd have to kill you
WDALYIC Who died and left you in charge?
WDF What da f**k?
WDYMBT What do you mean by that?
WDYS What did you say?
WDYT What do you think?
WE Whatever
WEFT Wrong every f**king time
WEG Wicked evil grin
WEHT Whatever happened to
WETSU We eat this sh*t up
WEU What's eating you?
WFM Works for me
WFO Wide full (or f**king) open
WG Wicked grin
WGAFF Who gives a flying f**k
WGAS Who gives a sh*t
WHAK With hugs and kisses
WIBAMU Well I'll be a monkey's uncle
WIBNI Wouldn't it be nice if
WIBNIF Wouldn't if be nice if...
WIFTAN Waste of f**king time and money
WIGAC When I get a chance
WIIFM What's in it for me?
WIIWD What it is we do
WILBI Wouldn't it be lovely if
WIMP Windows, icons, mouse pointing
WIT Wordsmith in training
WITFITS What in the f**k is this sh*t
WIZOP Wizard sysop
(the primary forum administrator)
WL Will
WMMOWS Wash my mouth out with soap
WMRS Write me real soon
WNDITWB We never did it this way before
WNOHGB Where no one has gone before
WOA Work of art
WOB Waste of bandwidth
WOFTAM Waste of flaming time and money
WOG Wise old guy
WOLF Witless one line followup
WOM Word of mouth
WOMBAT Waste of money, brains and time
WOT Waste of time
WOTAM Waste of time and money
WOWF Witless one word followup
WRATGAS Who really and truly gives a sh*t
WRK Work
WRT With regard to
WSD Willing suspension of disbelief
WT Without thinking
WT? What the...?? (or) Who the...??
WTB Want to buy
WTF What (or) who (or) where the f**k
WTFDIC What the f**k do I care
WTFDIK What the f**k do I know?
WTFDYTYA Who the f**k do you think you are
WTFIIWT_A What the f**k is it with these __ anyway?
WTFO What the f**k! Over!
WTFRU Who the f**k are you
WTFWT What the f**k was that
WTG Way to go!
WTGP? Want to go private?
WTH What the heck? (or) what the h*ll?
WTHDTM What the h*ll does that mean
WTMI Way too much information
WTMTOYH Way too much time on your hands
WTSDS Where the sun don't shine
WTTM Without thinking too much
WU What's up?
WUCIWUG What you see is what you get
WUF? Where are you from?
WUGAC When you get a chance
WWDWIIWD When we do what it is we do
WWJD What would Jesus do?
WWS Wife wants sex (please wait a tic)
WWW World-wide web
WWYC Write when you can
WYBMADIITY Will you buy me a double if I tell you?
WYGAC When you get a chance
WYGISWYPF What you get is what you pay for
WYGIWYG What you got is what you get
WYGIWYPF What you get is what you pay for
WYLABOCTGWTR Would you like a bowl of cream
to go with that remark?
WYLASOMWTC Would you like a saucer of milk
with that comment?
WYP What's your problem?
WYRN What's your real name?
WYS Whatever you say
WYSBANRTWYG What you see bears absolutely
no relation to what you get
WYSBYGI What you see before you get it
WYSIAYG What you see is all you get
WYSINEWYGBIC What you see is not exactly what
you get but it's close
WYSITWIRL What you see is totally worthless
in real life
WYSIWYG What you see Is what you get
WYSLPG What you see looks pretty good
WYSOH Where's your sense of humor?
WYT Whatever you think
WYTYSYDG What you thought you saw, you didn't get
WYWH Wish you were here


XLNT Excellent
XOXOXO Kisses and hugs
XYZ Examine your zipper
Y Why (or) yawning
Y2K Year 2000
Y3 Yadda yadda yadda
YA Yet another
YAA Yet another acronym
YABA Yet another bl**dy acronym
YABSA Yet another bl**dy stupid acronym
YAC Are you available to chat?
YACC Yet another calendar company
YADS Yet another DOS shell
YAFA Yet another fine acronym
YAFIYG You asked for it, you got it
YAFIYGI You ask for it, you get it
YANETU You are not expected to understand this
YAOTM Yet another off-topic message
YAP Yet another ploy
YAUN Yet another Unix nerd
YBS You'll be sorry
YBYSA You bet your sweet a*s
YCDBSO You can't do business sitting on your a*s!
YCDBWYCID You can't do business when
your computer is down!
YCHT You can have them
YCLIU You can look it up
YGBK You gotta be kidding
YGBKM You gotta be kidding me
YGBSM You gotta be sh*tting me
YGIAGAM Your guess is as good as mine
YGLT You're gonna love this
YGTBK You've got to be kidding
YGTBSM You've got to be sh*t-ing me!
YGTI You get the idea?
YGWYPF You get what you pay for
YHB_ You have been ____
YHBT You have been trolled
YHBW You have been warned
YHGASPL You have got a serious problem, lad!
YHGMTPO_ You have greatly misunderstood
the purpose of ____
YHL You have lost
YHTBT You had to be there
YIU Yes, I understand
YIWGP Yes, I will go private
YKIYEI You killed it, you eat it
YKWIM You know what I mean
YKYB You know you've been
YKYB_TLW You know you've been __ing too long when
YKYBHTLW You know you've been hacking to long when
YKYBOTLW You know you've been on-line too long when
YKYHB?TLW You know you have been ____ too long when
YL Young lady
YM You mean (or) young man
YMMV Your mileage may vary
YMMVG Your mileage may vary greatly
YNK You never know
YOYO You're on your own
YR Your (or) Yea, right. (Being sacastic)
YSS You suck severely
YSYD Yeah, sure you do
YTTT You telling the truth?
YVW You're very welcome
YW You're welcome (or) young woman
YWHOL Yelling "woohoo" out loud
YWIA You're welcome in advance
YWSYLS You win some, you lose some
YYSSW Yeah, yeah; sure, sure; whatever
ZZZ You're boring the heck out of me


:) or :-) happy

:-)) very happy

:( or :-( unhappy

;) or ;-) wink

:-D laughing

:-> hey (or) sarcastic

:'-) crying with joy


:-( frowning, sad

:( sad

:-< very sad

:-c very unhappy

:-C very, very unhappy

&-| tearful

:' crying

:'-( crying and sad

:'-) Crying/Happy

:-| grim

:[ really low

:-[ pouting

:-ll angry


;-) wink; just kidding

;-> sly wink

:-T keeping a straight face

:^D "I like it!"

8-] "Wow!"

:-o "Wow!" or "Shouting"

^5 high five

^ thumbs up

(::()::) bandaid (offer of help or support)


:*) clowning around (or) drunk smiling face

:-{#} from a person with braces

:-7 user after a wry statement

:-w speak with forked tongue

:-r bleahh (sticking tongue out)

:-? licking your lips


:-@ screaming

8-) wearing glasses

:-& tongue tied

() hug

:-x my lips are sealed

>:-( angry, mean

O:-) angel

:-p sticking out tongue (or) tongue in cheek

B-) wearing shades

:-D laughing

:-() talking to much

[:-) wearing a wig

:<> Amazed

:-, Hmmmm...,smirking

:-* kiss

:-X big kiss

<3 Love Heart

%-) confused

:o Ooooh,shocked

d8:) Cool Guy

:'-( Crying

:e Disappointed

:-).... Drooling face

:-O Surprised/shocked

&:-) From a person with curly hair

#:-) From a person with matted hair

|-) Getting tired, asleep

[-o yawning

[^O sleeping

{{name}} Hugs
{{{Name of Person}}} Hugging person

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